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. 2020 Aug 13;70:101717. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2020.101717
Work stress
 A lot of time my job makes me very frustrated or angry.
 I am usually under a lot of pressure while at work.
 When I am at work I often feel tense or uptight.
 I am usually calm and at ease when I am working. (reverse coded)
 There are a lot of aspects of my job that make me upset.
 Most of the time when I'm at work, I don't feel like I have much to worry about. (reverse coded)
Role problems
 I have to do things at work that should be done differently.
 I work on unnecessary projects or tasks on the job.
 This facility's policies and guidelines are not very realistic in practice.
 I often have to ignore a rule or policy in order to carry out my tasks at work.
 The policies and guidelines in this facility are often contradictory.
 Most of the time I am able to choose how my tasks are completed on my shift.
 I have a great deal of freedom as to how I do my job.
 I do not have much opportunity to make my own decisions at work. (reverse coded)
Perceived cooperation from inmates
 Inmates help me identify problems that exist in my work area.
 Inmates help me identify those who pose a danger to themselves or others.
 Inmates often tell me about rule violations committed by other inmates.
 Inmates typically tell me the truth if I ask them something.
Coworker support
 My coworkers often blame one another when things go wrong. (reverse coded)
 I receive compliments from my coworkers when I have done my job well.
 My coworkers encourage me to think of better ways of getting my work done.
 I generally receive help from my coworkers when I ask for it.
Supervisor support
 My immediate supervisor is helpful in getting me what I need to do my job effectively.
 My immediate supervisor encourages me if I do my job well.
 My immediate supervisor helps me resolve problems when they arise.
 My immediate supervisor blames others when things go wrong. (reverse coded)
Family support
 My family members understand how difficult my job can be.
 I can turn to my family when my job upsets me.
 My family helps me relax when I am worried about work.
 There is really no one in my family that I can talk to about work. (reverse coded)
Perceived dangerousness
 Threaten your safety?
 Threaten your family's safety?
 Injure you if you try to break up a fight between inmates?
 Injure you as you walk around the housing unit?
 Injure you while you escort inmates to and/or from housing units?