Dilution numbers correspond to the five dilutions tested with a factor of 10 between each. NC stands for Negative Control tested for each duplex (Plac/Ptot and Pcre/Ptot) or singleplex (Pcit) assay. The number of positive droplets per well is given for each NC and was reduced, for each sample, to a single well value, based on the merged values of three wells: the number of positive droplets from each “mega-well” was divided by the ratio of the total number of accepted droplets of the “mega-well” to the total number of accepted droplets of the “more positive” NC. The positive threshold is above 4 positive droplets per well, with values < 4 in red. LoQ values are in bold, with their corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Percentage deviation of the highest and lowest values of the 95% CI from the Poisson estimated value > 25% are in red.