Figure 4.
Abundance of tobamovirus species along the first year of life. (A) Gastrointestinal samples and (B) oropharyngeal samples. Sequence reads were normalized according to the total number of reads after quality filtering. The abundance is represented in a logarithmic scale (log10). M, sample from the corresponding mother. YoMV youcai mosaic virus, TSAMV tropical soda apple mosaic virus, ToMMV tomato mottle mosaic virus, ToMV tomato mosaic virus, ToBRFV tomato brown rugose fruit virus-israeli, TMV tobacco mosaic virus, TMGMV tobacco mild green mosaic virus, SBFV streptocarpus flower break virus, RCNaV rattail cactus necrosis-associated virus, PMMoV pepper mild mottle virus, PaMMV paprika mild mottle virus, OpV2 opuntia tobamovirus 2, CGMMoV cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, CMMoV cactus mild mottle virus, BPMV bell pepper mottle virus.