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. 2020 Jul 29;3(2):e20310. doi: 10.2196/20310

Table 2.

Summary of the information for the included publications.

Authors Year Study type and methodology Study location Study aim Condition of cared-for family member Caregiver sample Relationship of the caregiver to the care recipienta
Allemann et al [26] 2019 Qualitative study with focus groups Sweden Explore the perceptions of ICTb solutions as supportive solutions among informal caregivers of persons with heart failure Heart failure 23 Spouse/partner: 22; Child: 1
Andersson et al [27] 2017 Qualitative exploratory descriptive study based on semistructured in-depth interviews Sweden Describe working informal caregiver experiences of having access to the web-based family care support network Different conditions 9 Spouse: 1; child: 7; in-law: 3; niece:1
Austrom et al [28] 2015 Qualitative longitudinal study with focus groups USc Assess the feasibility and acceptability of a web-based video support group offered in real time for informal caregivers of persons with dementia Dementia 5 Spouse: 4; parent: 1; friend: 1
Barbabella et al [29] 2018 Mixed-methods sequential explanatory study with structured questionnaires and focus groups Germany, Italy, and Sweden Assess the use and usability of a psychosocial web-based program for informal caregivers Different conditions 118 Spouse/partner: 34; child/child-in-law: 67; other: 17
Bergström and Hanson [30] 2018 Integrative literature review International Explore studies concerning ICT support of adult carers of older people N/Ad N/A N/A
Boessen et al [31] 2017 Mixed-methods study with semistructured interviews and questionnaire The Netherlands Test the usability and perceived value of an online platform that aims to support the communication and collaboration between informal and professional caregivers of patients with dementia Dementia 7 Spouse/partner: 1; child: 6
Boots et al [32] 2016 Exploratory mixed-methods study with focus groups, interviews, and questionnaire The Netherlands Development and initial evaluation of a web-based support solution for informal caregivers Early-stage dementia 28 Spouse: 22; child: 2; child-in-law: 2; sibling: 1; friend: 1
Coffey et al [33] 2017 Qualitative study with semistructured interviews US Identify preferred sources of health information for informal caregivers Traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, or burn injury 32 Not reported
Cristancho et al [34] 2015 Mixed-methods unblinded monocentric pilot RCTe France Evaluate the efficacy and acceptability of a web-based psychoeducational program for informal caregivers of persons with Alzheimer disease Alzheimer disease 49 Not reported
Dam et al [35] 2017 Qualitative study with semistructured interviews The Netherlands Test the development and feasibility of an online social support intervention for informal caregivers of people with dementia Dementia 23 Not reported
Duggleby et al [36] 2019 Mixed-methods secondary analysis study Canada Compare users and nonusers of a web-based intervention for informal caregivers of older people Alzheimer Disease 92 Not reported
Gaugler et al [37] 2016 Mixed-methods study with survey and semistructured interview US Test the feasibility of an online resource for dementia caregivers Dementia 30 Not reported
Gibson et al [38] 2015 Qualitative study with semistructured interviews UKf Explore the everyday use of ICT by people with dementia and their families Dementia 26 Not reported
Grossman et al [39] 2018 Quantitative content analysis study International Identify mobile apps geared toward caregivers of older adults, catalog features, and suggest best practices for adoption N/A N/A Not reported
Heynsbergh et al [40] 2018 Qualitative study with focus groups and semistructured interviews Australia Understand how digital technology may be used to address informal caregiver needs Cancer 45 Spouse: 29; parent: 13; other (relative/friend): 3
Holden et al [41] 2018 Qualitative study with semistructured interviews US Understand the current personal health information management practices in informal caregiving for adults with and without dementia Dementia 10 Not Reported
Kales et al [42] 2017 Qualitative study with focus groups US Develop a caregiver-focused, web-based program to assess and manage behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia Dementia 26 Adult child: 15; spouse: 6; other relative: 5
Kim [43] 2015 Quantitative cross-sectional and descriptive correlational design study using a secondary analysis US Understand internet use among dementia informal caregivers Dementia 450 Spouse: 29; parent: 15; child or grandchild: 335; other type of relative: 38; friend/nonrelative/neighbor: 29; missing data :4
Núñez et al [44] 2016 Pilot randomized controlled pre-post Denmark, Poland, and Spain Assess the satisfaction of the informal caregivers with an ICT platform Dementia 61 Not reported
O’Connor et al [45] 2016 Qualitative exploratory study with focus groups and interviews UK Explore barriers experienced by participants during the co-design of mobile app for informal caregivers Dementia 16 Not reported
Phongtankuel et al [46] 2018 Qualitative study with semistructured interviews US Explore informal caregiver receptivity and concerns in using mHealth apps Different conditions 80 Child: 46; spouse:10; other relative: 19; friend: 5
Ploeg et al [47] 2018 Qualitative study with semistructured interviews Canada Understand how web-based support help informal caregivers Multiple chronic conditions 56 Spouse/partner: 31; son/daughter :22; daughter-in-law: 2; grand-daughter: 1
Schaller et al [48] 2016 Mixed-method design with questionnaires and interviews Germany Assess the usefulness and impact of the eHealth Monitor Dementia Portal service in the dementia care Dementia 25 Spouse:11; child: 9; relative: 5; grand-daughter: 1
Schulz et al [49] 2016 Quantitative study with online survey US Assess whether and how much informal caregivers are willing to pay for technologies designed to help monitor and support care recipients Different conditions 512 Not reported
Sriram et al [50] 2019 Systematic review International Explore the positive and negative aspects, knowledge, acceptance, and ethical issues in the use of assistive technology by caregivers of persons with dementia N/A N/A N/A
Tonsaker et al [51] 2016 Qualitative study with focus groups Canada Investigate how caregivers access and use information on the internet about caregiving and their perspectives on the design and features of a new personal health experiences website Different conditions 16 Not reported
Turk et al [52] 2019 Qualitative study with focus groups and semistructured interviews UK Explore the perceived usefulness and ease of use of a personalized web-based resource for informal caregivers Different conditions 50 Not reported
Vaughan et al [53] 2018 Mixed-methods study with survey, focus groups and semistructured interview US Examine use and perceptions of a web-based social support intervention for informal caregivers Different conditions 211 Spouse/partner: 186; other: 31
Walker et al [54] 2016 Qualitative study with focus groups US Gain insights into how older people and their families manage health information and communication Different conditions 23 Not reported
Werner et al [55] 2017 Qualitative study with focus groups US Identify barriers to information needs of informal caregivers to manage dementia-related behavioral symptoms Dementia 26 Not reported

aSome participants in some studies cared for multiple family members. Therefore, counts do not add up to the sample size.

bICT: information and communication technology.

cUS: United States.

dN/A: not applicable.

eRCT: randomized controlled trial.

fUK: United Kingdom.

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