Editing NF-κB
RELA with TALEN and CRISPR. (A) Schematic HDR
donor with two different dual-tagging systems and their tagging cells
and target protein. SBP, streptavidin-binding peptide; SAV, streptavidin;
HOM, homology arm; UTR, untranslated region; IRES2, internal ribosome
entry site 2. (B–D) Editing NF-κB RELA with TALEN and
CRISPR in three cell lines and detecting with near-infrared fluorescence
(NIRF) imaging. The edited gene was repaired with a homologous donor
with two different dual-tagging systems. (B) IRDye800CW-conjugated
streptavidin-stained cells in wells. (C) Quantified NIRF intensity
of the wells. (D) NIRF imaging of cells collected from wells by trypsinization.
Up, NIRF imaging; down, bright field imaging. **p < 0.01 and *p < 0.05.