Figure 8.
Quantification of muscle size, the total AZ and total bouton number follow ablation, or activity changes of MN1-Ib or MNIs is shown. A, M1 muscle size is not altered by ablation or activity changes of MN1-Ib or MNIs motoneurons. Shaded boxes under each bar indicate the genotypes for each group, with control GAL4 driver lines alone (MN1-Ib, MNIs), control UAS transgenes alone (UAS-RPR, UAS-TeTXLC, UAS-NaChBac), and experimental crosses of MN1-Ib GAL4 (teal) or MNIs GAL4 (orange) to each transgene. Each data point represents quantification of segment A3 M1 surface area from a single third instar larvae. No statistical difference was found across genotypes. B, Quantification of combined MN1-Ib and MNIs AZ number following immunolabeling for BRP in third instar larval M1 muscles in segment A3 of the indicated genotypes. C, Quantification of combined MN1-Ib and MNIs synaptic bouton number following immunolabeling for HRP in third instar larval M1 muscles in segment A3 of the indicated genotypes. Shaded boxes under each bar indicate the genotypes for each group, with control GAL4 driver lines alone (MN1-Ib, MNIs), control UAS transgenes alone (UAS-RPR, UAS-TeTXLC, UAS-NaChBac), and experimental crosses of MN1-Ib GAL4 (teal) or MNIs GAL4 (orange) to each transgene. Each data point represents quantification from segment A3 M1 from a single third instar larvae. Statistical significance was determined using ANOVA. Data are shown as the mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.