Immunocytochemistry of retinal sections in the GA borders of donors with AMD stained with inflammatory cell marker antibodies. Immunofluorescence of control and AMD retinal sections labeled with antibodies to Iba-1 (A, B, C, D) and CD68 (E, F, G, H). Non-AMD donor displayed very few Iba-1+ cells in their retinas, with cells mostly localized in the inner retina, but there were a few also localized to the photoreceptor outer segments (A, white arrowheads). The AMD donors with small and medium size GA atrophy (B, C) displayed infiltration of Iba-1+ cells in the outer retina; these cells displayed an amoeboid phenotype. However, fewer Iba-1+ cells were present in the retinas of AMD donors with big size GA atrophy (D). Non-AMD donor (E) displayed very few CD68+ cells in their retinas. The AMD donors with small and medium size GA atrophy displayed increased presence of CD68+ cells in the inner retina (F, G,
white arrowheads). However, CD68+ cells were mostly absent from AMD donors with big size GA atrophy (D). For all images, the atrophy was located at the left edge of the picture. Scale bar: 200 µm.