Fig 2. Effects of SC extract on prostate size and histopathology in TP-induced BPH rats.
To induce BPH, all rats were daily received TP injection (5 mg/kg, S.C.), except for the control group along with appropriate drugs (finasteride, saw palmetto, SC extract) orally for 4 weeks. For histological studies, after deparaffinization and dehydration, prostate tissues were subjected to H&E staining. Then, stained sections were examined using a light microscope (magnification, ×400). (A) Comparison of the size of prostate gland. (B) Representative photomicrographs of prostate sections. (C) Measurement of the prostate epithelial thickness. (D) Measurement of the lumen area of the prostate tissues. (a) Control, (b) BPH, (c) Fina, (d) Saw, (e) SC 50. Abbreviations: Control (PBS, P.O.), BPH (5 mg/kg TP, S.C. + PBS, P.O.), Fina (5 mg/kg TP, S.C. + finasteride 10 mg/kg, P.O.), Saw (5 mg/kg TP, S.C. + saw palmetto 100 mg/kg, P.O.), SC 50 (5 mg/kg TP, S.C. + SC extract 50 mg/kg, P.O.). Data are expressed as the means ± SD (n = 6). ### p < 0.001 versus control group; *** p < 0.001 versus BPH group.