Fig 4. TRIB3 33-bp repeat copy number is positively correlated with the expression level of TRIB3 in genome-wide gene expression profiling.
(A) Validation of a k-mer counting-based method for the estimation of TRIB3 33-bp repeat copy number from whole genome sequencing data. The k-mer based copy number estimates are compared to the results of PCR product gel analysis from the same individuals. The PCR results are shown as the average repeat copy number from the diploid genotype of each individual. (B) Correlation of TRIB3 33-bp copy number to TRIB3 gene expression in the subset of individuals with PCR-validated 33-bp repeat genotypes. Individuals from panel A that further had blood RNA-Seq data available are included. (C) Across all genes, the copy number of the TRIB3 33-bp repeat is correlated specifically with the expression level of TRIB3 mRNA. Correlation between gene expression and the copy number of the TRIB3 33-bp repeat was analyzed for all genes expressed in blood, as determined by RNA-Seq (total 13896 genes). For the panels of this figure, the genotyping samples and the DNA and RNA sequencing data originate from the Estonian Biobank.