Fig 4. Hepatocystis sp. orthologues of genes which are highly expressed in late schizogony in P. berghei tend to be missing from the genome.
P. berghei gene expression clusters from the Malaria Cell Atlas were used to determine whether orthologous genes, conserved with P. vivax and P. ovale, but absent in Hepatocystis, tended to be expressed in particular parts of the life cycle. The only significant cluster was cluster 10, which includes genes most highly expressed in late schizont stages (highlighted by a red box). The top panels show the log2 observed/expected ratios for orthologous genes in each cluster which are shared between P. berghei and Hepatocystis and the same ratio for those which are shared between P. berghei, P. vivax and P. ovale, but not Hepatocystis sp. Cluster 1, 18, 19 and 20 were not tested because they contained fewer than 2 expected counts for either ratio. The asterisk indicates a Fisher’s exact test false discovery rate of < = 0.05.