Figure 5. The Rec12 protein does not promote fertility in heterozygous S. pombe diploids.
(A) Schematic of viable spores resulting from an ‘inbreeding’ scenario. The three indicated types of spores are viable when wtf drivers are homozygous. (B) Schematic of viable spores resulting from an ‘outcrossing’ scenario where one set of wtf drivers is heterozygous. Haploid spores that only inherit one wtf allele will be killed by the poison of the wtf they did not inherit. Spores that inherit both wtf drivers due to a wtf duplication or disomy (aneuploidy or diploidy) will survive. Other outcomes of meiosis are not represented in this figure. (C) Viable spore yield values of heterozygous and homozygous S. pombe diploids in rec12+ and rec12Δ backgrounds. * indicates p-value<0.05 (Wilcoxon test) when comparing the rec12+ to rec12Δ fertility values. We compared the viable spore yield of each diploid in rec12+ and rec12Δ backgrounds. At least three, but usually more independent diploids were used to calculate viable spore yield. The data for rec12+ diploids is repeated from Figure 1. The data for Sk/Sk rec12Δ diploid (diploid 19) is repeated from Figure 3. The raw data are reported in Figure 5—source data 1.