Fig. 6. Clearance of HIV-1-infected cells from ART-naive HIV-1 patients by SECH treatments in vitro.
a CD4 counts and HIV-1 load in ART-naive HIV-1-infected patients (n = 10) without previous antiretroviral treatment. A, Asian; B, Black; C, Caucasian. b PBMCs obtained from ART-naive HIV-1 patients (n = 10) were culture in vitro with agents for SECH or ART only for 2 days as on cycle, with a total of seven cycles as described in the “Method” section. Samples were also re-stimulated with IDB for detection of HIV-1 mRNA by RT-PCR. The dash line indicates detection limit. c PBMCs treated by in b were depleted of CD8+ T cells and 3 × 106 cells were adoptively transferred into uninfected Hu-HSC mice for detection of HIV-1 by hmVOA. d The cells treated in b were used for TZA analyses. Ten biological samples were each measured in three technical replicates and presented as mean ± SD. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.