Fig. 1. Characterizations of as-prepared electrocatalysts.
a Schematic illustration of the electrocatalyst preparation. b–e Structural characterizations of pristine FeCoCrNi MCA film. b SEM image. Scan bar, 10 μm. Insert shows the Partially magnified SEM image. Scan bar, 1 μm. c Magnified TEM image. Scan bar, 2 nm. d HRTEM image. Scan bar, 1 nm. Insert is the corresponding FFT pattern. e 3D APT probing reconstruction images of Ni (green), Fe (red), Co (pink), and Cr (olive) atom positions. Scan bar, 20 nm. f–h Electronic characterizations of electrochemical activated MCA films. High-resolution (f) Ni 2p and (g) O 1s XPS spectra. h Ni L-edge sXAS spectra.