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. 2020 Sep;110(9):1318–1324. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2020.305730


Patient Characteristics for Eligible Ambulatory Surgery Patients Who Returned Unused Opioids and Did Not Return Unused Opioids: Rural US Veterans Affairs Hospital, 2017 to 2018

Returned Unused Opioids (n = 171) Did Not Return (n = 407) P
Mean age, y 64.9 59.0 < .001
Male, % 91.8 92.9 .73
Preoperative opioid status, % < .001
 Opioid naive 94.7 82.4
 Acute exposure (at least 1 opioid in previous 6 mo) 5.3 17.6
Expected pain, % .9
 Minor 3.5 3.7
 Moderate 75.3 72.8
 Severe 21.2 23.5
Prescriber level, % .7
 Attending 12.9 15.4
 Resident 63.5 59.3
 Physician assistant/nurse practitioner 23.5 25.2
Average MME prescribed 117.7 122.9 .56
 Minor pain 65.0 85.7 .38
 Moderate pain 90.9 99.7 .2
 Severe pain 218.9 201.3 .5

Note. MME = milligram morphine equivalent.