Depending on the pragmatic trial context (e.g., trial resources devoted to mixed methods analyses) qualitative data is subjected to immer-sion/crystalization, and/or focused thematic content analysis, and template analysis
PO provides a preliminary interpretation of the meaning and significance of the data, which is organized as set of a priori and emergent themes and description of their interrelationships
MMC then provides a preliminary interpretation of the meaning and significance of the data organized in the same fashion and attempts to triangulate findings from multiple data sources (observations, interviews, documents)
PO and MMC then identify points of convergence and divergence in the two interpretations
A discussion between PO and MMC then ensues until consensus is reached regarding the meaning and significance of the data
Depending on pragmatic trial context (e.g., trial resources devoted to mixed methods analyses), if consensus is not achieved, PO conducts follow-up interviews and/or returns to the field sites to collect additional data that could be used to resolve interpretation divergence
Depending on pragmatic trial context (e.g., trial resources devoted to mixed methods analyses), if consensus is achieved, MMC makes recommendation for identification of disconfirming cases. PO returns to field sites to collect information that could be used to construct such cases
Depending on pragmatic trial context (e.g., trial resources devoted to mixed methods analyses), interpretation of study findings is presented to study participants to confirm validity and comprehensiveness