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. 2020 Jun 16;9(11):e015117. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.119.015117

Table 1.

Summary of Nonexercise CRF Prediction Equations for Estimating Relative VO2max (mL·kg−1·min−1)

Authors Equation Reported R 2 Reported SEE
No PA measure
Riddle et al 198024 †† Men: (60−0.55 (age))·((4.13 (height [cm])/(2.54−135))/2.2
Women: (48−0.37 (age))·((3.55 (height [cm])/(2.54−106))/2.2
Wasserman et al 199425 Men: PW=0.79 (height [cm])−60.7If PW=measured weight: [(50.72−0.372 (age))·(weight [kg])]·1.11If PW>measured weight: [(PW+(weight [kg])/2) (50.72−0.372 (age))]·1.11If PW<measured weight: [(50.72−0.372 (age)) (weight [kg])+6 ((weight [kg])−PW)] 1.11
Women: PW=0.65 (height [cm])−42.8If PW=measured weight: [((weight [kg])+43)(22.78−0.17 (age)] 1.11If PW>measured weight: [((PW+(weight[kg])+86)/2)(22.78 −0.17 (age)] 1.11If PW<measured weight: [(PW+43)(22.78−0.17 (age))+6 (weight [kg])−PW)] 1.11
Jang et al 2012 (model 1)26 50.543−0.069 (age)+13.525 (sex; men=1, women=0)−0.403 (BMI)−1.530 (CSS**) 0.67 4.21
Baynard et al 2016 (BMI)27 77.96−10.35 (sex; men=0, women=1)−0.92 (BMI)−0.32 (age) 0.57 6.89
Baynard et al 2016 (WC)27 88.35−14.79 (sex; men=0, women=1)−0.40 (WC)−0.27 (age) 0.60 6.70
Myers et al 201728 79.9−0.39 (age)−13.7 (sex; men=0, women=1)−0.127 (weight [lbs]) 0.62 7.20
de Souza et al 201829 45.2−0.35 (age)−10.9 (sex; men=1, women=2)−0.15 (weight [lbs])+0.68 (height [in])−0.46 0.62 6.60
Includes measure of PA
Jackson et al 1990 (BMI)30 56.363+1.921 (PA*)−0.381 (age)−0.754 (BMI)+10.987 (sex; men=1, women=0) 0.61 5.70
Jackson et al 1990 (%fat)30 50.513+1.589 (PA*)−0.289 (age)−0.552 (%fat)+5.863 (sex; men=1, women=0) 0.66 5.35
Heil et al 199531 36.580−0.541 (%fat)+1.921 (PA*)+0.558 (age)−7.81E‐3 (age2)+3.706 (sex; men=1, women=0) 0.74 4.90
Whaley et al 1995 (BMI)32 64.62−0.339 (age)+9.006 (sex; men=1, women=0)+2.069 (PA)−0.601 (BMI)−0.143 (RHR)−0.409 (CSS#) 0.70 5.60
Whaley et al 1995 (%fat)32 61.66−0.328 (age)+5.45 (sex; men=1, women=0)+1.832 (PA)−0.436 (% fat)−0.143 (RHR)−0.446 (CSS#) 0.73 5.38
Matthews et al 199933 34.142+0.133 (age)−0.005 (age2)+11.403 (sex; men=1, women=0)+1.463 (PA*)+9.170 (height [m])−0.254 (weight [kg]) 0.74 5.64
Jurca et al 2005 (ACLS)34 ‡‡ 18.81+2.49 (sex; men=1, women=0)−0.08 (age)−0.17 (BMI)−0.05 (RHR)+0.81 (PA1)+1.17 (PA2)+2.16 (PA3)+3.05 (PA4) 0.60 5.25
Jurca et al 2005 (ADNFS)34 ‡‡ 21.41+2.78 (sex; men=1, women=0)−0.11 (age)−0.17 (BMI)−0.05 (RHR)+0.35 (PA1)+0.29 (PA2)+0.64 (PA3)+1.21 (PA4) 0.58 6.90
Jurca et al 2005 (NASA)34 ‡‡ 18.07+2.77 (sex; men=1, women=0)−0.10 (age)−0.1 BMI)−0.03 (RHR)+0.32 (PA1)+1.06 (PA2)+1.76 (PA3)+3.03 (PA4) 0.65 5.08
Wier et al 2006 (BMI)35 57.402−0.372 (age)+8.596 (sex; men=1, women=0)+1.396 (PA§)−0.683 (BMI) 0.62 4.95
Wier et al 2006 (%fat)35 51.936−0.308 (age)+4.065 (sex; men=1, women=0)+1.217 (PA§)−0.483 (%fat) 0.65 4.91
Wier et al 2006 (WC)35 59.416−0.327 (age)+11.488 (sex; men=1, women=0)+1.297 (PA§)−0.266 (WC) 0.64 4.90
Nes et al 201136 Men: 100.27−0.296 (age)+0.226 (PA)−0.369 (WC)−0.155 (RHR) 0.61 5.70
Women: 74.736−0.247 (age)+0.198 (PA)−0.259 (WC)−0.114 (RHR) 0.56 5.14
Cáceres et al 2012 (9 levels)37 Men: 47.189+0.394 (age)−0.282 (weight [kg])−4.289 (PA$)+0.231 (height [cm])−0.090 (RHR)−2.092 (dyslipidemia)−1.925 (hypertension) −2.901 (CSS**)−2.295 (diabetes mellitus) 0.53 7.15
Women: 37.844+0.250 (age)−0.208 (weight [kg])−3.428 (PA$)+0.139 (height [cm])−0.053 (RHR)−1.327 (dyslipidemia)−1.009 (hypertension)−1.508 (CSS**) 0.44 5.74
Cáceres et al 2012 (5 levels)37 Men: 39.390+0.409 (age)−0.307 (weight [kg])−4.437 (PA$)+0.254 (height [cm])−3.081 (CSS**) 0.51 7.31
Women: 31.733+0.244 (age)−0.219 (weight [kg])−3.598 (PA$)+0.151 (height [cm])−1.486 (CSS**) 0.43 5.74
Jackson et al 2012 (BMI, 5 levels)20, ‡‡ Men: 20.8013+0.1610 (age)−0.0022 (age2)−0.2240 (BMI)−0.0334 (WC)−0.0375 (RHR)+0.2163 (PA1)+0.3447 (PA2)+0.7877 (PA3)+1.1961 (PA4)−0.4306 (CSS**) 5.81
Women: 14.5493+0.1136 (age)−0.0016 (age2)−0.1500 (BMI)−0.0088 (WC)−0.0359 (RHR)+0.2091 (PA1)+0.2275 (PA2)+0.7021 (PA3)+1.0070 (PA4)−0.3005 (CSS**) 5.29
Jackson et al 2012 (%fat, 5 levels)20, ‡‡ Men: 17.7357+0.1620 (age)−0.0021 (age2)−0.1057 (%fat)−0.0422 (WC)−0.0363 (RHR)+0.2153 (PA1)+0.3655 (PA2)+0.8092 (PA3)+1.1989 (PA4)−0.4378 (CSS**) 5.39
Women: 13.4967+0.1200 (age)−0.0017 (age2)−0.0817 (%fat)−0.0140 (WC)−0.0342 (RHR)+0.2402 (PA)+0.2735 (PA2)+0.7432 (PA3)+1.0346 (PA4)−0.3207 (CSS**) 4.94
Jackson et al 2012 (BMI, 2 levels)20, ‡‡ Men: 21.2870+0.1654 (age)−0.0023 (age2)−0.2318 (BMI)−0.0337 (WC)−0.0390 (RHR)+0.6351 (PA$)−0.4263 (CSS**) 5.92
Women: (14.7873+0.1159 (age)−0.0017 (age2)−0.1534 (BMI)−0.0088 (WC)−0.0364 (RHR)+0.5987 (PA$)−0.2994 (CSS**)) 5.36
Jackson et al 2012 (%fat, 2 levels)20, ‡‡ Men: 18.1395+0.1662 (age)−0.0022 (age2)−0.1077 (%fat)−0.0431 (WC)−0.0380 (RHR)+0.6429 (PA$)−0.4339 (CSS**) 5.46
Women: 13.7415+0.1223 (age)−0.0018 (age2)−0.0819 (%fat)−0.0141 (WC)−0.0349 (RHR)+0.6061 (PA$)−0.3188 (CSS**) 5.01
Jang et al 2012 (model 2)26 48.392−0.088 (age)+12.335 (sex; men=1, women=0)−0.386 (BMI)−0.621 (CSS**)+0.693 (PA§) 0.73 3.82

%Fat indicates percentage body fat; ACLS, equation based on data from the Aerobics Center Longitudinal Study; ADNFS, equation based on data from the Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey; BMI, body mass index; CRF, cardiorespiratory fitness; CSS, current smoking status; NASA, equation based on data from National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Johnson Space Center; PA, physical activity; PW, predicted weight; RHR, respiratory exchange ratio; VO2max, maximal oxygen consumption; WC, waist circumference (cm).

PA with *NASA Physical Activity Scale, BALL ST (Ball State Adult Fitness Longitudinal Lifestyle Study) PA scale, Physical Activity Index (5 levels), §NASA Physical Activity Status Scale, Nord‐Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT) questionnaire, or $binary (no=0, yes=1); CSS with #8‐level code or **binary (no=0, yes=1). Dyslipidemia, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus were all coded no=0, yes=1.


Prediction equation calculates absolute VO2max but was converted to relative VO2max for the present study.


Prediction equation calculates metabolic equivalents but was converted to relative VO2max for the present study. In addition, the reported SEE from publication has been multiplied by 3.5 to convert to relative VO2max.