(A) At 12 weeks post-bone marrow transplantation of miR-210 (WT) and miR-210 (KO) mice with WT or KO bone marrow, mice were exposed to chronic hypoxia (10% O2) for 3 weeks to induce miR-210 up-regulation. (B-C) By RT-qPCR, circulating extracellular miR-210 (B, N=5,6,6,6 mice) and intracellular miR-210 (C, N=4,4,5,4 mice) were detected and quantified in plasma (B) and CD31+/CD45− lung endothelial cells (C) of WT mice and KO mice transplanted with WT or KO bone marrow. (One-way ANOVA with post-hoc Bonferroni testing was performed.)