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. 2020 Jan 4;42(9):3015–3033. doi: 10.1007/s10653-019-00499-w

Table 1.

Summary of plant micronutrient concentrations data obtained from different sources in sub-Saharan Africa, for the crops, maize (Zea mays L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), finger millet (Eleusine coracana Gaertn.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)

Country Crops Crop parts Micronutrients Count Data sources
Benin Maize Leaves Zn 100 Diagnostic trials
Ethiopia Wheat Grain S 24 Habtegebriel and Singh (2009)
Ghana Cowpea, maize Shoots Zn 84 Wortmann et al. (2019a, b)
Kenya Maize Leaves Zn 1014 AFSIS
Malawi Cowpea, maize Grain, leaves Zn, Se, Cu, Mn, S, 2570 Chilimba et al. (2012/2014), Wortmann et al. (2019a, b), AFSIS
Mali Maize, pearl millet Shoots Zn 333 Wortmann et al. (2019a, b)
Niger Cowpea, maize, pearl millet, sorghum Shoots Zn 1232 Wortmann et al. (2019a, b)
Nigeria Maize, sorghum Shoots, leaves Zn, Mn, S, B 6246 AFSIS, TAMASA, Nziguheba et al. (2009), Wortmann et al. (2019a, b)
Rwanda Maize, sorghum Shoots Zn 28 Wortmann et al. (2019a, b)
Tanzania Cowpea, maize, sorghum Grains, shoots Zn, Cu 394 Wortmann et al. (2019a, b), Lisuma et al. (2006)
Togo Maize Leaves Zn, Mn, S, B 1115 Diagnostic trials
Uganda Finger millet Shoots Zn 665 Wortmann et al. (2019a, b)
Zambia Maize, wheat Grains, shoots Zn 117 Zou et al. (2012); Ram et al. (2015), Wortmann et al. (2019a, b)
Zimbabwe Cowpea, finger millet, maize, sorghum Grain Zn 706 Manzeke et al. (2019)

AfSIS = Africa Soil Information Service; TAMASA = Taking Maize Agronomy to Scale in Africa