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. 2020 Aug 15;21:551. doi: 10.1186/s12891-020-03573-y

Table 1.

Basic characteristics of the included patients

Demographic details N (%)/M (range; IQR) † Demographic details N (%)/M (range; IQR) † Demographic details N (%)/M (range; IQR) †
Patients 502 ≤14 88(17.5%) Yes 18 (3.6%)
Sex 14–25 101(20.1%) Outerbridge grade
Male 149 (29.7%) 25–45 202(40.2%) No lesion 358 (71.3%)
Female 353 (70.3%) ≥45 111(22.1%) Grade I 29 (5.8%)
BMI (kg/m2) 22.0 (range, 13.8 ~ 44.4; 4.3) Symptoms duration (months) 10.0 (range, 0.05 ~ 246; 21.0) Grade II 52 (10.4%)
< 18.5 54(10.8%) ≤1 64(12.7%) Grade III 23 (4.6%)
18.5–25 362(72.1%) 1–6 149(29.7%) Grade IV 40 (8.0%)
≥25 86(17.1%) 6–24 184(36.7%) K-L grade
Work intensity >24 105(20.9%) Grade 0 375 (74.7%)
Grade 0 27 (5.6%) Watanabe type Grade I 56 (11.2%)
Grade 1 212 (42.2%) Complete 423 (84.3%) Grade II 44 (8.8%)
Grade 2 240 (47.8%) Incomplete 79 (15.7%) Grade III 23 (4.6%)
Grade 3 22 (4.4%) O’Connor type Grade IV 4 (0.8%)
Grade 4 1 (0.2%) No tear 38 (7.6%) Type of surgery
Trauma history Longitudinal (/bucket handle) tear 171 (34.1%) Saucerization 410 (81.7%)
No 360 (71.7%) Horizontal tear 154 (30.7%) Saucerization with repair 16 (3.2%)
Yes 142 (28.3%) Oblique tear 10 (2.0%) Ttotal meniscectomy 76 (15.1%)
Involved knee joint Transverse (/radial) tear 45 (9.0%) Follow-up time (months) 75.4 (range, 41.0 ~ 123.3; 33.7)
Left 252 (50.2%) Variant tear 84 (16.7%) ≤60 135(26.9%)
Right 250 (49.8%) Medial meniscus tear 60–96 254(50.6%)
Age of onset (years) 32.0 (range, 3 ~ 80; 26.3) No 484 (96.4%) >96 113(22.5%)

BMI body mass index, K-L grade Kellgren–Lawrence grade, DLM discoid lateral meniscus, IKDC International Knee Documentation Committee, † N number, M median, IQR interquartile range