a) Simulations of LTE and STE data for two different scenarios (schematically represented in the middle): dispersed sticks representing axons surrounded by extra-axonal space (top, blue surround), vs dots + dispersed sticks surrounded by extra-axonal space (bottom, green surround). Here, we used a Watson distribution to simulate a stick orientation dispersion (OD) of 0.7 and (blue), and OD = 0.5 and (green). In both simulations, the parallel diffusivity was set to 2.1 for the stick compartment, and the extra-cellular compartment consisted of non-exchanging Watson-distributed ‘zeppelins’ with the same OD as the sticks and parallel and perpendicular diffusivities of 1.9 and 0.8 , respectively. The two scenarios result in very similar signals for LTE across a wide b-value range, and can be disentangled better at high b-values with STE. A linear y-scale is chosen here to not make small differences seem disproportionally large. b) STE simulated as in (a) but with varying , at different SNR levels. The dashed-dotted line represents the rectified noise floor, and the error bars represent the mean and standard deviation over 5000 noise realisations. A logarithmic y-scale is chosen here to improve the visualisation for different . b is given in .