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. 2020 Aug 17;6(3):00126-2020. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00126-2020


Baseline characteristics

PICU Paediatric ward p-value
Subjects 110 111
Age years 110 8 (5–12) 111 5 (3–7) <0.001
Preschoolers (age 2–4 years) 110 27 (25) 111 55 (50) <0.001
Male 110 68 (62) 111 69 (62) 0.958
Caucasian 110 60 (55) 111 79 (71) 0.011
Asthma diagnosis prior to admission 110 84 (76) 111 79 (71) 0.380
Asthma treated by# 0.370
 General practitioner 82 29 (35) 77 28 (36)
 Paediatrician 82 31 (38) 77 22 (29)
 Paediatric pulmonologist 82 22 (27) 77 27 (35)
Steroid naïve 110 56 (51) 111 67 (60) 0.157
ICS dose μg 52 323±181 44 224±102 0.001
Adherence to ICS
 PDC % 52 73±33 43 62±30 0.114
 PDC ≥80% 52 30 (58) 43 16 (37) 0.047
Born <37 weeks’ gestational age 84 13 (15) 84 15 (18) 0.679
Highest parental education level 0.390
 Low 82 3 (4) 84 1 (1)
 Middle 82 35 (43) 84 31 (37)
 High 82 44 (54) 84 52 (62)
SES scores+ 110 −0.29±1.36 111 −0.25±1.28 0.824

Data are presented as n, median (interquartile range), n (%) or mean±sd, unless otherwise stated. Bold type represents statistical significance. PICU: paediatric intensive care unit; ICS: inhaled corticosteroids; PDC: proportion of days covered; SES: socioeconomic status. #: children with a diagnosis of asthma prior to admission. : of the children with prescribed ICS. +: the postal code was used to quantify the neighbourhood SES, with a mean of zero. A lower (negative) score is associated with a lower SES.