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. 2020 Aug 17;6(3):00126-2020. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00126-2020


Atopy and environmental triggers

PICU Paediatric ward p-value
Subjects 110 111
Allergic sensitisation# 103 79 (77) 110 71 (65) 0.052
Multiple sensitisation 102 24 (24) 110 15 (14) 0.063
Food allergies 56 22 (39) 53 7 (13) NA
Respiratory viral infections
 PCR positive for ≥1 virus 102 56 (55) 104 65 (63) 0.268
 PCR positive for ≥2 viruses 102 7 (7) 104 14 (13) 0.191
 Symptoms and PCR positive 98 44 (45) 103 53 (52) 0.352
 PCR positive for rhinovirus 102 42 (41) 104 56 (54) 0.069
  Rhinovirus A 22 10 (46) 33 17 (52) 0.448
  Rhinovirus B 22 1 (5) 33 0
  Rhinovirus C 22 11 (50) 33 16 (49)
Parental self-reported smoking 103 28 (27) 108 26 (24) 0.812
Urinary cotinine 0.150
Nonsmoker <10 ng·mL−1 96 74 (77) 89 77 (87)
Passive smoker >10 ng·mL−1 96 20 (21) 89 12 (13)
 Active smoker >200 ng·mL−1 96 2 (2) 89
Siblings >2 84 25 (30) 84 26 (31) 0.867

Data are presented as n or n (%), unless otherwise stated. PICU: paediatric intensive care unit; NA: not available. #: positive radioallergosorbent test (RAST) = IgE >0.7 kU·L−1 for at least one of the allergens; : positive RAST for at least one pet, pollen and house dust mite.