Figure 3. Transcriptional Characterization of hiPSC-Derived Human Neurons at 7 MPT.
(A) Experimental design for collecting snRNA-seq data from transplanted human neurons. E3KI mice (iE3/3 transplants, N = 6; E4/4 transplants, N = 6). E4KI mice (iE3/3 transplants, N = 6; E4/4 transplants, N = 5).
(B) Feature plots of classical panneuronal (RBFOX3 and SYN1), excitatory neuron (NEUROD6 and SLC17A7), and inhibitory neuron (DLX1 and GAD1) markers.
(C) t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (tSNE) clustering of transplanted hiPSC-derived neurons.