Figure 5. rVSV-CoV2 entry inhibition by serum from subjects with variable AAT genotypes.
(A) Expected range of concentrations of AAT in serum relative to AAT genotype (data from Lopes et al (83)). (B) WT rVSV-CoV2 entry inhibition by serum from 4 PI*MM subjects, 2 PI*MS subjects, 2 PI*MZ subjects, and 4 PI*ZZ subjects performed in technical triplicate. Subject serum samples are identical for all data shown across all variants. Boxes span 25–75th percentiles and median is noted. Whiskers span minimum to maximum. (C) Delta rVSV-CoV2 entry inhibition by serum as described in 3B except only 2 PI*MM and 2 PI*ZZ subjects are shown. (D) Omicron rVSV-CoV2 entry inhibition by serum as described in 3B. All data shown performed in technical triplicate. All rVSV-CoV-2 is trypsin-treated. Significance calculated using Welch’s t test (ns, not significant; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.005, and ****, p < 0.0001).