Figure 5.
Structural analysis of mTTD-PHD V1 and V2 modules. (A) Distribution of Rg determined by molecular modelling in combination with SAXS profiles of mTTD-PHD V1 (left), mTTD-PHD V2 (middle) and hTTD-PHD (right). Dashed line indicates the initial pool of structures derived from molecular modelling; solid line indicates the SAXS-fitted ensembles of TTD-PHD conformers. (B) Overlay of (1H–15N) HSQC spectra (centre-zoomed) of mTTD-Linker 2 V1 (red) and V2 (green). Resonances were assigned for the V1 protein (85% complete and deposited in the BMRB (ID 30704)). A full spectral overlay is presented in Supplementary Figure S8B. (C) Comparison of amide chemical shifts in (1H–15N) HSQC spectra of mTTD-Linker 2 V1 and mTTD-Linker 2 V2. Overlapping resonances (coloured blue) are mapped onto the mTTD-Linker 2 V1 structure. These are localized outside of the linker-groove interface, and TTDN–TTDC junction. (D) NMR structural ensembles of mTTD-Linker 2 V1 (left, PDBID: 6VEE) and hTTD-Linker 2 (right, PDBID: 6VED) showing the relative position of the Linker 2 regions with respect to the TTD. (E) NMR-derived structure of mTTD-Linker 2 V1 with surface representation of mTTD in grey and mLinker 2 V1 in green. R298 (magenta – stick representation) of mLinker 2 V1 is anchored to the R-pocket (cyan). The P-patch (i.e. P293, P294 and P295) is colored in red. mLinker 2 V2 (pink) is in flux with respect to the mTTD surface; a snapshot representation derived from molecular modeling is shown, with R293 (orange – stick representation) above the R-pocket. (F) NMR structure of the interaction between mLinker 2 V1 (green, residues labeled in black) and mTTD (grey, residues labeled in blue). Surface representation with hydrophobic (cyan) and acidic (pink) residues forming the R-pocket occupied by R298 highlighted is shown on the left. Hydrogen bonds (dashed black lines) that stabilize the mLinker 2 V1-mTTD interaction (upstream of the P-patch: NA288–ON134, NY136–OL286, NQ292–OS289 and downstream of the P-patch: NH2R298–OD1D138, NH2R298–OD2D138, NR298–OE2E149, NH1R298–OW147, NT300–OE2E186) are shown in stick representations in the middle and right. (G) (1H–15N) HSQC titrations of mTTD-Linker 2 V1 (left) and V2 (right) with unlabelled 4-benzylpiperidine-1-carboximidamide (BPC) at various molar ratios.