Accessions from Kapia, Paprika, Pumpkin Shape, Pungent, and Sweet Green are shown in red1, dark turquoise, goldenrod, darkorchid, and chartreuse color ellipses, respectively. Traits contributing to PC1 and PC2 are also assigned different gradient colors with a gradient ranging from 2,4, and 6 with gray15, dodgerblue, and firebrick, respectively. The traits included in PCA are abbreviated as PGH: Plant Growth Habit; PH: Plant Height; SH: Stem Height; NA: Nodal Anthocyanin; NF: Number of Flowers; Emb: Embranchment; CMS: Calyx Margin Shape; PP: Pedicel Position; FE: Flowering Earliness; ME: Maturity Earliness; F_Set: Fruit Set; FP: Fruit Position; FS: Fruit Shape; FS_PA: Fruit Shape at Peduncle Attachment; FS_BE: Fruit Shape at Blossom End; FSCS: Fruit Cross-Sectional Corrugation; F_Size: Fruit Size; IFC: Immature Fruit Color; MFC: Mature Fruit Color; PUN: Pungency; FL: Fruit Length; FW: Fruit Width; FWT: Fruit Wall Thickness; Loc: Locules; F_Weight: Fruit Weight; U_Part: Usable Part; Prod: Productivity; Vit C: Vitamin C; TP: Total Phenols; FRAP: Antioxidant Potential.