Fig. 5.
Control and statin-treated gene expression levels split by deQTL genotype for lead deQTLs from meta-analysis. Gene expression levels of a TBC1D4 b MDGA1 c CHI3L2 d OAS1 e GATM f ASNSD1 g GLUL h TDRD12 i PPIP5K2 j OAS3 k SERPINB1 l ANKDD1A m DTD1 n CYFIP2 or o GSDME genes are plotted split by their significant lead deQTL genotypess from the meta-analysis in the European (left) and African American (right) subsets in each plot. In all cases, the reference allele is on the left. Whiskers mark the 5th and 95th percentiles. Approximate fold changes were calculated by taking 2^(statin-treated minus endogenous variance stabilized gene expression levels) for display purposes. Sample sizes match those in Fig. 3