Fig. 1.
α-Syn localizes to liquid-ordered lipid domains and exocytic sites on unroofed cells. (A) Confocal fluorescence images of DiD- and CT-B–stained unroofed SK-MEL-28 cells. (B) Fluorescence recovery traces of DiD (black) and CT-B (blue) after photobleaching. Data are given as mean ± SD (n = 10). See SI Appendix, Fig. S2 for representative individual region of interest data. Composite confocal fluorescence images of V26CNBD–α-syn (green) with (C) CT-B (magenta; PCC = 0.56), (D) syntaxin-1A (magenta; PCC = 0.77), (E) Rab3a (magenta; PCC = 0.88), (F) VAMP2 (magenta; PCC = 0.7), and (G) clathrin-coated structures (CCS) (magenta; PCC = 0.14). Colocalized areas appear white in the composite images. Expanded views are also shown. Scale bars are as indicated. Additional images can be found in SI Appendix, Figs. S4 and S6. Pixel plots for the colocalization analysis can be found in SI Appendix Fig. S7.