Extended Data Figure 6. Candidate targets for the viral Nsp5 protease.
(a) Nsp5 WT and Nsp5 C145A (catalytic dead mutant) interactome. (b) Domain maps of HDAC2 and TRMT1 illustrating predicted cleavage sites (using NetCorona 1.0). HDAC: Histone Deacetylase Domain, NLS: Nuclear Localization Sequence, MTS: Mitochondrial Targeting Sequence, SAM-MT: S-adenosylmethionine-Dependent Methyltransferase Domain. (c) Peptide docking of predicted cleavage peptides into the crystal structure of SARS-CoV Nsp5. (d) Nsp5 cleavage consensus site for SARS-CoV (left) and SARS-CoV-2 (right).