Fig. 1.
Regional coverage, splice read fractions, and strandedness of the data. (A) Fractions of reads mapping to exonic, intronic, and intergenic regions. The average fractions and average number of reads are printed. The bottom and top dashed blue lines indicate the fraction of base pairs classified as exonic (0.0427) and intronic/intergenic (0.479) in the genome. These numbers represent the fraction of reads mapping to exonic and intronic/intergenic regions, respectively, if they would originate from random locations in the genome. (B) Fraction of reads mapping to splice and nonsplice regions. The average fractions are printed. (C) Strandedness of the data. Strandedness of the data (“same strand”) is expected to be 1 for stranded data and 0.5 for unstranded data. The average fractions are printed.