Growth performance of somaplants (somatic plantlets directly via somatic embryogenesis) and in vitro regenerated plantlets via organogenesis originating from somatic embryos of embryogenic line 27 after one year of planting in a Pinus massoniana field. a Changes in plant height with the plant age. b Changes in plant caliper with the plant age. c In vitro regenerated plantlets originating from somatic embryos after planting for one year in the field. d Changes in survival rate of plants one year after transplanting of both regenerated plantlets and somaplants. Scale bar: 15 cm. In figures a, b and d, small letters indicate the differences among plant ages for somaplants or regenerated plantlets (Duncan’s tests, P ≤ 0.05), and capital letters indicate the differences between somaplants and regenerated plantlets within plant age (t test, P ≤ 0.05)