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. 2020 Aug 17;94(17):e00451-20. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00451-20


Hemagglutination of A(H9N2) viruses using resialylated red blood cells

Virus Subtype HA titera
TRBC α2-6 SA TRBC α2-3 SA TRBC Desialyated TRBC
HK/1073 A(H9N2) 2,048 4,096 8,192 <2
HK/33982 A(H9N2) 4,096 4,096 8,192 <2
Bang/0994 A(H9N2) 2,048 4,096 4,096 <2
HK/308 A(H9N2) 4,096 8,192 4,096 <2
A-L/39 A(H9N2) 4,096 8,192 4,096 <2
ck/VN/70 A(H9N2) 1,024 2,048 1,024 <2
ck/VN/NA4 A(H9N2) 2,048 2,048 2,048 <2
ck/VN/119 A(H9N2) 1,024 1,024 <2 <2
ck/VN/167 A(H9N2) 2,048 2,048 <2 <2
Shanghai/1 A(H7N9) 2,048 4,096 4,096 <2
Cal/7 A(H1N1) 32 64 <2 <2
Switz/13 A(H3N2) 1,024 1,024 512 <2

HA titers were measured with untreated turkey red blood cells (TRBC), Vibrio cholerae-treated TRBCs (desialylated), or α2,6 or α2,3 resialylated TRBCs. HA titer is representative of duplicate experiments and is the reciprocal of the highest dilution that results in agglutination of TRBC.