Differential expression of genes involved in xanthan production. Levels of transcript abundance were mapped to the metabolic pathway of xanthan. (A) Xpm CIO151 EV. (B) Xpm CIO151 ΔrpfCGH-EV. Xanthan production genes were downregulated in Xpm CIO151 ΔrpfCGH-EV when compared with Xpm CIO151 EV and analyzed in NOISeqBIO (King et al., 2015). The transcript abundance of Xpm CIO151 ΔrpfCGH-EV is half of that of the Xpm CIO151 EV. Seven gum genes (gumM, gumK, gumI, gumH, gumG, gumF, and gumD) were upregulated by the quorum sensing pathway. Transcriptomic abundances were mapped into Escher maps. The purple color in the maps corresponds to low abundance and the red color to high abundance. The median of the transcript abundances (FPKM) defined the middle point of coloring (gray). Therefore, values below the median are colored purple and above the median red. When in the reaction rule two or more genes are strictly necessary (AND Boolean rule), the mean of the abundance was calculated. The thickness of the lines is proportional to the abundance of the transcripts involved in the given reaction. Constructed in Escher (King et al., 2015).