Table 1.
Differential virulence in olive (cv. Picual) plants displayed by the Verticillium dahliae defoliating isolates used in this study.
Disease Parameters | |||||
Treatments | S | AUDPC | DI (%) | DII | M (%) |
V-937I | 1.65 bc | 57.9 bc | 53.3 | 0.41 | 33.3 |
V-937I-HP | 3.32 a | 133 a | 93.3 | 0.83 | 80 |
V-138I | 1.18 c | 43.7 c | 53.3 | 0.3 | 13.3 |
V-150I | 2.57 ab | 92.6 ab | 73.3 | 0.64 | 53.3 |
V-403I | 1.47 bc | 42.3 c | 60 | 0.33 | 20 |
AUDPC, area under the disease progress curve over time. S, mean of disease severity symptoms (from 0 to 4) at the end of the experiment; Final DI, final disease incidence (%); Final DII, disease intensity index (ranging 0–1) calculated with data on incidence and severity of the recorded symptoms; M, dead plants (%) at the end of the experiment. All the parameters are referred to at the end of the experiment (84 days after pathogen inoculation). Data are the average of three randomly-distributed blocks, each with five pots (plants) per treatment. The non-inoculated (control) plants presented no disease symptoms and were not included in the statistical analysis. The means in each column followed by different letters are significantly different according to Fisher’s protected least significant difference (LSD) test (p = 0.05).