Table 4.
Summary of the main advantages and disadvantages of common chemical and biological treatments for Cr (VI) removal. nZVI, nanoscale zero-valent iron.
Treatment | Advantages | Disadvantages | References |
Chemical reduction with nanoscale zero-valent iron | High efficiency; high reactive surface area; easy to inject in aquifers. | Low stability; aggregation of nZVI particles; ecotoxicological effects on native organisms. | [111,112,113] |
Adsorption coupled with ion exchange | Selective process; possible reuse of raw materials as green sorbents. | Complexity of adsorbents preparation; sludge generation; large amount of chemical required; waste generation; resin exhaustion; costly. | [126,131,169] |
Electrocoagulation | High efficiency rate also with high chromium initial concentration; quicker and more sustainable than chemical coagulation processes; almost zero waste generation. | Skilled man-power requirement, several parameters influence its efficiency | [122,170,171] |
Bioremediation | Cost-effective; ecological; sustainable; highly efficient with low and moderate pollutant concentration in large volume; no secondary pollution | Possibly inhibited by high pollutant concentrations; | [10,22,23] |