k-mer spectra plots for the Arctia plantaginis
trio-binned genome assembly. Plots produced using KAT, showing the frequency of
k-mers in an assembly vs the frequency of k-mers
(i.e., sequencing coverage) in the raw 10X Illumina reads, for the (A)
combined diploid assembly (paternal plus maternal), (B) paternal-only
assembly (iArcPla.TrioW), and (C) maternal-only assembly (iArcPla.TrioY).
Colours represent k-mer copy number in the assembly: black
k-mers are not represented (0 copies), red k-mers
are represented once (1 copy), purple k-mers are represented twice (2
copies), and green k-mers are represented thrice (3 copies). The
first peak corresponds to k-mers present in the raw reads but missing
from the assembly due to sequencing errors, the second peak corresponds to
k-mers from heterozygous regions, and the third peak corresponds to
k-mers from homozygous regions. These plots show a complete and
well-separated assembly of both haplotypes in the F1 offspring diploid genome.