Figure 3:
Cumulative scaffold plots visualize the high assembly contiguity of the trio-binned Arctia plantaginis genome. A highly contiguous assembly is represented by a near vertical line with a short horizontal tail of trailing tiny scaffolds. (A) Comparison of the unscaffolded A. plantaginis trio-binned assemblies iArcPla.TrioW (paternal haplotype) and iArcPla.TrioY (maternal haplotype) against the unscaffolded composite assembly using unbinned data from the same individual (iArcPla.wtdbg2). The much steeper curve and shorter horizontal tail for the trio-binned assemblies compared to the unbinned assembly shows that trio binning greatly improved contiguity. (B) Comparison of the A. plantaginis trio-binned assemblies against a representative selection of published lepidopteran genomes, shown up to the first 10,000 scaffolds. This comparison demonstrates that the A. plantaginis trio-binned assemblies are much more contiguous than most other lepidopteran genomes currently available.