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. 2020 Jul 29;91:2005. doi: 10.4102/jsava.v91i0.2005


Haemostatic and inflammatory variables in the canine parvovirus group, canine parvovirus subgroups and control group at admission and post fluid resuscitation.

Variable Reference interval for adult dogs Control dogs (N = 15) Admission
Post fluid resuscitation
CPV (N = 27) Hypovolaemic CPV (N = 16) Dehydrated CPV (N = 11) CPV (N = 27) Hypovolaemic CPV (N = 16) Dehydrated CPV (N = 11)
Median 0.37–0.55 0.35 0.44* 0.44 0.43 0.37******** 0.39*********** 0.35****
IQR - 0.22–0.43 0.35–0.48 0.35–0.52 0.35–0.48 0.34–0.42 0.32–0.42 0.33–0.42
Platelet count (x 109/L)
Median 200–500 325 296 296 292 301****** 309 301
IQR - 276–463 230–427 222–477 253–402 235–383 206–409 235–318
R (min)
Median 2.0–11.0 4.9 8.9** 9.2**** 7.9 7.4****** 7.6 7.3
IQR - 2.4–7.6 6.9–10.4 7.4–10.9 5.7–9.6 5.8–9.3 6.2–10.1 5.4–7.9
K (min)
Median 1.0–5.0 1.4 2.2* 2.5*** 2.0 2.0****** 2.0 1.8
IQR - 0.8–2.6 1.8–3.1 2.1–3.3 1.5–2.7 1.4–2.6 1.5–3.1 1.2–2.3
α-angle (degrees)
Median 34.0–77.0 70.7 61.5* 58.4 62.6 65.3****** 64.8 65.3
IQR - 56.6–78.4 53.2–65.9 54.3–65.5 53.2–67.5 60.5–71.2 53.5–70.4 61.8–73.8
MA (mm)
Median 42.0–7.1 67.0 77.0** 77.2**** 76.0*** 78.3******* 80.8********** 78.1
IQR - 56.3–70.1 72.1–80.3 73.4–80.0 69.2–81.7 75.9–82.2 76.2–82.7 75.9–80.1
AT (% activity)
Median 80–100 80.2 81.2 82.1 80.8 76.3******** 74.7********** 82.1*********
IQR - 71.5–88.9 77.2–88.6 77.4–90.1 76.3–88.6 70.3–83.0 70.2–79.3 71.5–83.3
Fibrinogen (mg/dL)
Median 200–300 276 > 700** > 700***** > 700***** > 700***** > 700 > 700
IQR - 250–360 - - - - - -
CRP (mg/L)
Median 0–10.0 6.43 135.10** 135.60***** 133.40***** 117.9****** 96.4********* 88.8**********
IQR - 4.74–12.76 98.95–155.07 105.00–155.00 76.00–155.50 103.38–148.23 75.4–136.6 52.8–106.9

Note: CPV subgroups at admission and after fluid resuscitation.

CPV, canine parvovirus; IQR, interquartile range; HCT, haematocrit; R, reaction time; K, clot formation time; MA, maximum amplitude; AT, antithrombin; α-angle, rapidity of fibrin build-up and cross-linking.

Significant difference: *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.001, between control and CPV group at admission.

Significant difference: ***, p < 0.05; ****, p = 0.001; ^*****, p < 0.001 between control and CPV subgroups at admission.

Significant difference: ******, p < 0.05; *******, p < 0.01; ********, p < 0.001 between CPV group at admission and after fluid resuscitation.

Significant difference: *********, p < 0.05; **********, p < 0.01; ***********, p < 0.001 within CPV subgroups at admission and after fluid resuscitation.