Topic | Number of questions | Students (n = 89) |
All veterinarians (n = 35) |
Median | IQR | Median | IQR | ||
Biosecurity | 5 | 60.0† | 40.0; 60.0 | 80.0†† | 60.0; 100.0 |
Economics | 5 | 20.0† | 20.0; 40.0 | 40.00†† | 20.0; 60.0 |
Ectoparasite | 2 | 75.0† | 50.0; 75.0 | 75.00†† | 50.0; 75.0 |
Internal parasites | 9 | 66.7† | 55.6; 77.8 | 66.7† | 55.6; 77.8 |
Lameness | 5 | 40.0† | 20.0; 60.0 | 40.0†† | 40.0; 60.0 |
Management | 8 | 33.3† | 33.3; 44.4 | 66.7†† | 44.4; 66.7 |
Mastitis | 2 | 50.0† | 50.0; 100.0 | 100.0† | 50.0; 100.0 |
Nutrition | 16 | 47.1† | 41.2; 58.8 | 64.7†† | 58.8; 76.5 |
Pathology | 7 | 57.2† | 42.9; 71.4 | 71.4†† | 57.1; 85.7 |
Perinatal period | 3 | 50.0† | 25.0; 75.0 | 50.0† | 25.0; 75.0 |
Reproduction | 4 | 50.0† | 25.0; 50.0 | 75.0†† | 50.0; 75.0 |
Respiratory conditions | 1 | 100.0† | 0.0; 100.0 | 100.0† | 100.0; 100.0 |
Selection and culling | 2 | 50.0† | 50.0; 100.0 | 50.0† | 50.0; 100.0 |
Skin conditions | 4 | 50.0† | 50.0; 75.0 | 50.0 † | 25.0; 75.0 |
Sudden death | 9 | 66.7† | 55.6; 77.8 | 77.8†† | 66.7; 88.9 |
Vaccines | 7 | 71.4† | 57.1; 85.7 | 57.1†† | 28.6; 71.4 |
Zoonoses | 1 | 66.7† | 66.7; 66.7 | 66.7† | 66.7; 66.7 |
, Medians with different superscripts in rows differ significantly (p < 0.05).