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. 2020 Aug 8;26:e924885-1–e924885-8. doi: 10.12659/MSM.924885

Table 2.

Comparison of heart, lung, and diaphragm ultrasound variables between the successful and failed weaning groups.

Variables Successful weaning group (n=81) Failed weaning group (n=24) P value
Echocardiographic indicators LVEF (%) 58.93±8.83 54.93±9.94 0.061
E/A ratio 1.35±0.33 1.27±0.34 0.303
E/e’ ratio 7.4 (6.1, 10.2) 10.5 (8.4, 17.5) 0.019
DTE 185 (160, 220) 177 (130, 260) 0.658
LAP 12.4 (7.2, 16.8) 15.9 (10.8, 21.3) 0.017
LUS 11 (7, 14) 15 (11, 21) 0.027
Diaphragmatic function n (%) Normal function 55 (67.9%) 10 (41.7%) 0.020
Hemidiaphragm dysfunction 26 (32.1%) 14 (58.3%)
Bilateral diaphragmatic dysfunction 0 0

A – peak atrial velocity transmitral flow; DTE – deceleration time of E wave; E – the peak early velocity transmitral flow; e’ – early diastolic mitral annulus velocity; LAP – left-atrial pressure; LUS – lung ultrasound score; LVEF – left ventricular ejection fraction; APACHE II – acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II; BMI – body mass index; BNP – brain natriuretic peptide; ICU – Intensive Care Unit; RSBI – rapid shallow breathing index; SOFA – sequential organ failure assessment