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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2020 Aug 18.
Published in final edited form as: Cell Rep. 2020 May 12;31(6):107623. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107623


Rat anti-C-peptide Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank at the University of Iowa GN-ID4; RRID:AB_2255626
Mouse anti-NKX6.1 Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank at the University of Iowa F55A12; RRID:AB_532379
Rabbit anti-Beta Tubulin Cell Signaling Technology 2128; RRID:AB_823664
Mouse anti-PGK1/2 Santa Cruz Biotechnology SC-48342; RRID:AB_628116
Rabbit anti-GAPDH Cell Signaling Technology 5174; RRID:AB_10622025
Rabbit anti-PC Sigma Aldrich HPA043922; RRID:AB_2678732
Rabbit anti-PCK2 Cell Signaling Technology 8565; RRID:AB_11217628
Biological Samples
Human Cadaveric Islets See Table S1 N/A
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
Phenylacetate Sigma Aldrich P16621
Tris-HCl pH 8.5 VWR 100219-630
Disposable spinner flasks Corning CLS3578
mTeSR basal medium StemCell Technologies, Inc. 85850
MCDB131 Basal Medium Sigma Aldrich M8537
Fetal Bovine Serum Life Technologies 16000044
Fluo-4 Life Technologies F14217
Oligomycin A Fisher Scientific 49545510MG
Disuccinyl Suberate Life Technologies 4449754
U-13C Glucose Cambridge Isotope Laboratories CLM-1396-0.25
L-Glutamine Sigma Aldrich G3126
TSQ Fisher Scientific 50850395
Propidium Iodide Sigma Aldrich P4864
Sodium Fluoride Sigma Aldrich 919
96 well V-bottom plates Fisher Scientific 12565460
methyl Succinate Sigma Aldrich P4241-50EA
Methyl-pyruvate VWR AAA13966
Glyceraldehyde Sigma Aldrich 49800
Glyceric Acid Santa Cruz Biotechnology SC-234508
Dihydroxyacetone Santa Cruz Biotechnology SC499029
B-hydroxybutyrate Sigma Aldrich 166898
Ketoisocaproate VWR AAH60076-03
D-3-Phosphoglyceric Acid Santa Cruz Biotechnology SC-214793B
D-2-Phosphoglyceric Acid Sigma Aldrich 79470
Tolbutamide Sigma Aldrich T0891
Diazoxide Sigma Aldrich D9035
Forskolin Fisher Scientific NC9084630
MitoTracker Green FM Life Technologies M7514
RIPA Lysis Buffer Fisher Scientific P189901
Glucose Sigma Aldrich G7021
Potassium Chloride Sigma Aldrich P9541
Sodium Chloride Sigma Aldrich S3014
Calcium Chloride Sigma Aldrich C7902
Magnesium Sulfate Sigma Aldrich M7506
Sodium Phosphate, Dibasic Sigma Aldrich S3264
Potassium Phosphate, Monobasic Sigma Aldrich P9791
Sodium Bicarbonate Sigma Aldrich S5761
HEPES Buffer Life Technologies 15630080
Dynabeads Protein G Life Technologies 10003D
Bovine Serume Albumin, Fatty acid-free, Fraction V EMD Millipore 126575
2-NBDG Life Technologies N13195
Critical Commercial Assays
Seahorse 24 Xf Mito Fuel Stress Test Agilent 103015-100
Seahorse 24 well islet capture plate Agilent 101122-100
PGK1 Activity Assay Biovision K194
GAPDH enzyme activity assay Abcam ab204732
PEP colorimetric Assay Sigma Aldrich MAK102-1KT
Alpco Human Insulin ELISA APCO Diagnostics 80-INSHUU-E10.1
Experimental Models: Cell Lines
HUES8 hES Derived In-house N/A
1016 iPS Columbia University N/A
B2M Forward: GCTGGGTAGCTCTAAACAATGTATTCA This Paper adapted from Phillips et al., 2014 N/A
B2M Reverse: CCATGTACTAACAAATGTCTAAAATGGT This Paper adapted from Phillips et al., 2014 N/A
B2M FAM Probe: CAGCAGCCTATTCTGC This Paper adapted from Phillips et al., 2014 N/A
mtMajArc Forward: CTGTTCCCCAACCTTTTCCT This Paper adapted from Phillips et al., 2014 N/A
mtMajArc Reverse: CCATGATTGTGAGGGGTAGG This Paper adapted from Phillips et al., 2014 N/A
mtMajArc FAM Probe: GACCCCCTAACAACCCCC This Paper adapted from Phillips et al., 2014 N/A
mtMinArc Forward: CTAAATAGCCCACACGTTCCC This Paper adapted from Phillips et al., 2014 N/A
mtMinArc Reverse: AGAGCTCCCGTGAGTGGTTA This Paper adapted from Phillips et al., 2014 N/A
mtMinArc FAM Probe: CATCACGATGGATCACAGGT This Paper adapted from Phillips et al., 2014 N/A
Recombinant DNA
Empty Myc-DDK Lentivirus Plasmid Origene PS100064;
GAPDH Myc-DDK Lentivirus Plasmid Origene RC202309L1;
PGK1 Myc-DDK Lentivirus Plasmid Origene RC211172L1
Software and Algorithms
Prism Graphpad N/A
Wave Agilent N/A
Zen Zeiss N/A
ImageJ National Institutes of Health
Flowjo Becton, Dickinson and Company N/A
AxioZoom 16 N/A
BioRep Dynamic Perifusion System N/A
Seahorse XFe 24 well Analyzer N/A