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. 2020 Aug 18;17(8):e1003274. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003274

Table 1. UBL intervention session details.

Session Number Session Title Session Objectives
1 Program Introduction & Understanding Gender To describe the goal of the program; to distinguish between sex and gender; to understand how gender norms affect couples' health and wellbeing
2 Act Like a Man/Act Like a Woman To describe common gender norms for men and women; to understand how inequitable gender norms can contribute to negative health outcomes; to describe ways to challenge inequitable gender norms
3 Healthy Sexuality To describe sexuality beyond intercourse and reproduction; to challenge common myths about sexuality; to describe the links between gender norms and individual sexual experience and expression
4 Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships To describe healthy and unhealthy behaviors within relationships; to state important characteristics of healthy relationships
5 Power in Relationships (Couples’, Women's UBL)
Expressing Emotions & Dealing with Anger (Men's UBL)
Power in relationships: To define power; to describe factors that contribute to having power and how power can be used; to describe ways to create balance of power within relationships
Expressing emotions & dealing with anger: To identify differences in the ways men and women express emotions; to explain consequences of not expressing emotions; to identify and practice strategies for reacting constructively and nonviolently when angry
6 Joint Decision-Making To explain the benefits of joint decision-making; to describe and apply 7 strategies for joint decision-making
7 Negotiating Men's & Women's Roles In & Outside of Home To identify roles, responsibilities, and workload for men and women in the family; to compare how much time men and women spend caring for themselves and for others; to explore the implications of women's workloads on their health and wellbeing
8 Communicating with Your Partner—Active Listening To describe communication and its 3 phases; to demonstrate 4 ways to be a good listener; to describe the benefits of being a good listener
9 Talking with Your Partner about Preventing HIV To understand HIV and STI transmission, prevention, and treatment; to explain the links between inequitable gender norms and HIV vulnerability; to describe the levels of HIV risk associated with various sexual behaviors; to describe the benefits of getting tested for HIV; to be able to demonstrate how to correctly put a condom on a penile model
10 What Is Violence? To describe violence; to identify forms of violence against women; to identify impact of violence against women on couples, families, and communities; to identify alternatives to violence
11 Setting Personal Boundaries in Relationships & Sexual Consent To understand own personal boundaries; to define sexual consent; to be able to use assertive communication to consent or not consent to sexual activity
12 Nonviolent Ways to Resolve Conflict To explain how childhood exposure to conflict influences conflict negotiation style as an adult; to identify 5 fair arguing rules; to be able to make a complaint using an assertive communication style
13 Understanding Violence & Supporting Survivors To understand the cycle of violence and how it influences help-seeking; to be able to address men who behave violently; to support women who have experienced violence; to identify IPV services in the community; to identify barriers in accessing services
14 Empowering Change & Program Closure To challenge violence in safe ways; to be able to provide support to those experiencing violence; to identify key learning s from the course and make personal commitments for the future

Abbreviations: IPV, intimate partner violence; STI, sexually transmitted infection; UBL, Unite for a Better Life.