Figure 2:
In vivo molecular imaging of peritumoral antigen-presenting immune cell infiltrate using gadolinium 160 (160Gd)–labeled anti–human leukocyte antigen–DR isotope (HLA-DR) antibodies. A, Baseline T1-weighted axial MRI scan of VX2 liver tumor (*). B, Peritumoral rim enhancement (arrows) on T1-weighted axial Dixon MRI scan (repetition time, 5.19 msec; echo times, 2.46 and 3.69 msec) obtained 24 hours after intra-arterial administration of 160Gd-labeled anti–HLA-DR antibody indicates peritumoral immune cell infiltrate. * = tumor. C, Bright field image and, D, E, colored images from ex vivo imaging mass cytometry of tissue harvested from the rabbit in A and B after ablation of 160Gd (160Gd in green) confirm deposition of 160Gd-labeled anti–HLA-DR antibody in the peritumoral rim. The box in D indicates the the area of magnification for E. L = liver, R = peritumoral rim, T = tumor.