Fig. 3. COMMD4 is required for cell proliferation in NSCLC cells.
a Immunoblot showing the depletion of COMMD4 using control siRNA or COMMD4 siRNA #2 or #3 across HBEC3-KT and three NSCLC cell lines. β-actin shows the loading. b–e Proliferation analysis of HBEC3-KT, H460, H1975 and CRL5889 cells depleted of COMMD4 with control or siRNA #2 or #3 and analysed using the Incucyte S3 live imaging system. f–i Proliferation analysis of HBEC3-KT, H460, H1975 and CRL5889 cells depleted of COMMD4 with control or siRNA #2 or #3 and analysed using the HoloMonitor M4 live imaging system. Asterix (*) denotes p < 0.05. n.s, not significant. Error bars represent mean ± SD from three independent experiments.