Figure 4.
Effect of B2BrBC and C66 on CAT‐(A), SOD‐(B) and GPx‐(C) activity. (a) Hyperoxia induced significant decrease in catalytic activity of CAT (p < .01). B2BrBC and C66 significantly preserved catalytic activity of CAT during hyperoxic exposure (n = 8; p < .01). (b,c) SOD and GPx showed nonsignificant increase in their activity under hyperoxic conditions (n = 8; p = .059 and p = .053, respectively). B2BrBC and C66 did not cause any change in the activity of CAT and SOD in normoxic pups. GPx was significantly decreased in the normoxic pups treated with C66 (n = 8; p < .01), while B2BrBC did not show any effect (n = 8; p > .05). *p < .05; **p < .01; n, number of pups; N, normoxic; H, hyperoxic; NC, normoxic treated with C66; HC, hyperoxic treated with C66; NB, normoxic treated with B2BrBC; HB, hyperoxic treated with B2BrBC