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. 2020 Apr 8;14(9):1934–1942. doi: 10.1017/S1751731120000609

Table 2.

Results of the multiple linear regression analysis regarding the effect of different housing parameters on selected indicators of lying comfort, cow cleanliness and animal health in dairy cattle

Welfare indicators/housing parameters Estimate SE P-value R2
Duration of the lying down process
  Intercept 7.23 1.34 <0.001 0.307
  Cow-to-cubicle ratio −0.01 0.01 0.126
  Neck rail height −0.01 0.01 0.156
  Rubber mat cubicle (v. deep bedded) 0.83 0.17 <0.001
Collisions with cubicles
  Intercept 39.12 13.57 0.006 0.026
  Cow-to-cubicle ratio −0.22 0.13 0.114
Cows lying outside cubicles
  Intercept 9.05 3.68 0.017 0.021
  Divider height −0.10 0.06 0.135
Cows with dirty legs
  Intercept 109.97 40.21 0.008 0.386
  Neck rail height −0.84 0.33 0.012
  Rubber mat cubicle (v. deep bedded) 34.17 6.23 <0.001
Cows with dirty flanks
  Intercept 242.10 107.22 0.028 0.108
  Cow-to-cubicle ratio −0.29 0.19 0.127
  Cubicle width −1.85 0.77 0.019
  Neck rail to curb 0.31 0.29 0.181
Cows with dirty udders
  Intercept 149.80 46.09 0.002 0.448
  Length × width −0.29 0.14 0.036
  Neck rail height −0.70 0.27 0.013
  Rubber mat cubicle (v. deep bedded) 30.52 5.19 <0.001
Cows with lesions/swellings
  Intercept −89.39 55.23 0.111 0.174
  Cubicle width 0.89 0.49 0.073
  Rubber mat cubicle (v. deep bedded) 13.05 3.70 0.001
Cows with severe lameness
  Intercept 48.50 26.67 0.074 0.144
  Cow-to-cubicle ratio −0.24 0.09 0.007
  Cubicle length 0.13 0.09 0.136
  Neck rail height −0.30 0.14 0.040
  Access to pasture (v. zero-grazing) 5.59 3.70 0.135
Cows with subclinical mastitis incidence
  Intercept −2.84 16.39 0.863 0.063
  Neck rail to curb 0.12 0.08 0.153
  Access to pasture (v. zero-grazing) −5.37 2.67 0.049

SE = standard error; P < 0.20; R2 = coefficient of determination.