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. 2020 Jul 24;13(15):3307. doi: 10.3390/ma13153307
BS biggest-sphere
DART discrete algebraic reconstruction
DFT density functional theory
ECD electrochemical dealloying
EDT Euclidean distance transform
ET electron tomography
FE finite element
FEM finite element method
FIB focused ion beam
GA Gibson–Ashby
IND interfacial normal distributions
ISD interfacial shape distribution
KMC kinetic Monte Carlo
LMD liquid metal dealloying
MAT medial axis transform
MD molecular dynamics
NPG nanoporous gold
OSS open-source software
PCF pair correlation function
PXCT ptychographic X-ray computed tomography
ROI Region of Interest
RVE representative volume element
SANS small-angle neutron scattering
SEM scanning electron microscopy
STL standard triangulation language
TEM transmission electron microscopy
Th Thickness (biggest-sphere)
TVM total variation minimization
TXM transmission X-ray microscopy
VOI Volume of Interest
WBPJ weighted back-projection