Consortium—Formlabs, Carbon, EnvisionTec, and Origin: nasophryngeal swabs (potential weekly capacity) |
4,000,000 |
Nexa3D (3D printing manufacturer, United States): Test swabs (potential weekly production capacity) |
500,000 |
Stratasys & Origin (United States): Nasopharyngeal swabs (Planned production capacity per day) |
190,000 |
Nissan (car manufacturer, Japan): Face shields (potential weekly production capacity) |
100,000 |
Voodoo Manufacturing (3D printing, United States): Face shields and swabs (weekly capacity for 2500 face shields and 50,000 swabs) |
52,500 |
Ricoh 3D (Printing, UK): Face shields (weekly capacity) |
40,000 |
3D Hubs (3D manufacturing, The Netherlands): Face shields (coordinated effort through the COVID-19 Manufacturing Fund) |
20,000 |
Forecast 3D (Industrial 3D printing, United States): Face shields, stopgap masks, nasopharyngeal swabs, and other PPE products (daily part production capacity) |
10,000 |
Nexa3D (3D printing manufacturer, United States): Face shields (potential weekly production capacity) |
10,000 |
Prusa Research (3D printing company, Czech Republic): Face shields |
10,000 |
Mobility/Medical goes Additive consortium (around 50 enterprises, Germany): Face shields |
5000 |
PERA CD- N95 mask lining bracket—Farsoon Technologies (China) -Safety goggle & Mask adjuster. (Large- Safety googles- scale PPE manufacturer, China): (2000 daily) |
- |
Protolabs (3D printing company): Ventilator components |
3000 |
Fast Radius (Additive manufacturing solutions, United States): Face shield kits (inital shipment, potential daily production capacity of 10,000) |
1500 |
Azul3D (3D printing manufacturer): Face shields (Current daily capacity; Goal of 20,000 face shields per week) |
1000 |
SmileDirectClub (Digital dentistry enterprise): Face shields (initial shipment; potential capacity of 7500 per day) |
1000 |
Photocentric (3D printing company, UK): Valves for respirators (trial run; potential capacity of 40,000 per week) |
- |
Y Soft 3D (Enterprise solutions, Czech Republic): Face shields (daily production capacity) |
500 |
Weerg & PressUP (Italy): Protective visors |
500 |
BCN3D (3D printing manufacturer): Face shields (initial shipment with 2000 more planned to ship) |
400 |
Formlabs (3D printing company, United States): Test swabs (300 in one batch; potential capacity of 75–150 k per day) |
300 |
Photocentric (Photopolymer manufacturer, UK): Face shield parts (first batch of prints; potential daily capacity for 4860 parts) |
200 |
Omni3D (Industrial 3D Printing, Poland): Face shields (daily capacity) |
120 |
Consortium led by Leitat technology center (Zona Franca Consortium, Spain): Pieces for respirators (planned daily production) |