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. 2020 Aug 13;1(2):240–248. doi: 10.1002/mco2.14


Demographics and baseline characteristics of patients infected with SARS‐CoV‐2 or influenza A virus

SARS‐CoV‐2 (n = 41) Influenza A (n = 37) P‐value
Age, years 46 (39‐50) 55 (45‐67) <.01
Sex .40
Men 15 (36.6%) 17 (45.9%)
Women 26 (63.4%) 20 (54.1%)
Signs and symptoms
Fever 32 (78.0%) 28 (75.7%) .80
Highest temperature, °C .70
 <37.3 9 (22.0%) 9 (24.3%)
37.3‐38.0 15 (36.6%) 11 (29.7%)
38.1‐39.0 11 (26.8%) 8 (21.6%)
 >39.0 6 (14.6%) 9 (24.3%)
Cough 22 (53.7%) 31 (83.8%) <.01
Myalgia or fatigue 11 (26.8%) 8 (21.6%) .61
Headache 2 (4.9%) 2 (5.4%) .92
Hemoptysis 1 (2.4%) 3 (8.1%) .34
Diarrhea 2 (4.9%) 0 (0.0%) .50
Dyspnea 1 (2.5%) 15 (40.5%) <.01
Respiratory rate > 24 breaths per min 1 (2.5%) 4 (10.8%) .19
Laboratory data
White blood cell count, ×109/L .02
 <4 13 (32.50%) 10 (27.03%)
4‐10 26 (65.00%) 18 (48.65%)
 >10 1 (2.50%) 9 (24.32%)
Lymphocyte count, ×109/L
 <1.0 5 (12.50%) 1 (2.70%) .20
≥1.0 35 (87.50%) 36 (97.30%)
Aspartate aminotransferase, U/L .05
≤40 31 (81.58%) 22 (59.46%)
 >40 7 (18.42%) 15 (40.54%)
Total bilirubin, mmol/L 10.2 (7.1‐15.0) 8.0 (6.0‐12.0) .07
Lactate dehydrogenase, U/L .40
≤245 20 (62.50%) 10 (47.62%)
 >245 12 (37.50%) 11 (52.38%)

Note. Continuous variables are presented as median (IQR), n (%); categorical variables are presented as number (%). P values tested by one‐way ANOVA for normally distributed variables, Kruskal‐Wallis rank test for not normally distributed continuous variables, and Fisher's exact test for categorical variables, respectively.