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. 2022 Dec 30;20(11):3030–3041. doi: 10.1111/ajt.16246


Demographic and clinical characteristics of kidney transplant patients with coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia

Patient characteristics
Age (y, mean ± SD) 59.7 ± 12.48
Sex: male/female (n, %) 60/44 (55.7/42.3)
Race (n, %)
Caucasian 90 (86.5)
African/African American 4 (3.8)
Latin American 9 (8.7)
Asian 1 (1)
Primary end-stage renal disease (n, %):
Nephroangiosclerosis 12 (11.5)
Diabetic nephropathy 17 (16.3)
Glomerulonephritis 30 (28.8)
Polycystic kidney disease 13 (12.5)
Other 11 (10.6)
Uncertain 21 (20.2)
Comorbidities (n, %)
Diabetes 32 (30.8)
Arterial hypertension 90 (86.5)
Obesity 28 (26.9)
Pulmonary disease 16 (15.4)
Heart disease 31 (29.8)
Active neoplasm 8 (7.7)
Lymphopenia before admission 45 (43.3)
ACEI/ARB use (n, %) 37 (35.6)
Nosocomial COVID-19 infection (n, %) 15 (14.4)
Transplant characteristics
Time after transplant <6 mo (n, %) 15 (14.4)
Time (mo, median, IQR) 59 (18-130)
Type of transplant (n, %)
KT/combined transplanta 100/4 (96.2/3.8)
First KT/repeat transplant 88/16 (84.6/15.4)
Type of donor (n, %)
Deceased/living 90/14 (86.5/13.5)
Standard criteria/expanded criteriab 48/42 (46.1)/ (40.3)
Induction therapy (n, %)
None 11 (10.6)
Rabbit antithymocyte globulin 37 (35.6)
Basiliximab 56 (53.8)
Maintenance therapy (n, %)
TAC use 89 (85.5)
Cyclosporine use 3 (2.88)
mTOR inhibitor use 20 (19.28)
MMF/MPA use 87 (83.6)
Prednisone use 96 (92.3)
Basal serum creatinine (µmol/L) (mean ± SD) 158.6 ± 79.1
Basal eGFR CKD-EPI (mL/min/1.73 m2) (mean ± SD) 48.2 ± 21.9
Initial clinical symptoms
Cough (n, %) 71 (68.3)
Dyspnea (n, %) 38 (36.5)
Diarrhea (n, %) 32 (30.8)
Myalgias (n, %) 34 (32.7)
Fever (n, %) 81 (77.9)

Abbreviations: CNI, calcineurin inhibitor; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; MMF/MPA, mycophenolate mofetil or mycophenolic acid; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; TAC, tacrolimus.


Multiorgan transplant: 1 pancreas–kidney and 3 liver–kidney.


Expanded criteria donor refer to older kidney donors (≥60 years old) or donors who are aged 50-59 years and have 2 of the following 3 features: hypertension, terminal serum creatinine >1.5 mg/dL, or death from cerebrovascular accident.